Fly through Ul updates as you code!
Accelerate your React development with visual, intuitive superpowers. Drag, drop, click, and prompt your UI into place. While generating code that looks like you wrote it - with MightyMeld!
As developers, we all wish that web development could be done utilizing a visual editor… one that responds to your drag & drop - but also to code changes.
Well, now - there’s MightyMeld.
MightyMeld enables you to accelerate your react dvelopment with visual, intuitive superpowers. Drag, drop, click and prompt your UI into place, while generating code that looks like you wrote it.
“Open in Editor…” - See a live visualization of your code, elegantly paired with the DOM of your running app. Code this way once, and there’s no going back.
Then, realize you can build! - Nudge styles, drag things around, experiment visually. Your code updates seamlessly.
A code generator that doesn’t suck… - MightyMeld’s UI mirrors the mental model of your code. Each move you make results in a surgical, AST-aware code modification. Not a code generator, but a code…injector? The diffs are so clean, you gotta try it to believe it.
And so much more…
The team at MightyMeld is on a mission to make UI buildout as visual, intuitive, and blazingly fast as possible. The tool’s flexible, agnostic architecture effortlessly adapts to so many technologies and ways of working.
Get started today by signing up for their open beta, at