Make web apps editable in minutes.
There have been many approaches to solving this dilemma, including custom built admin tools that are limited in functionality and require maintenance, offloading to CMS that require heavy integration, are normally used for simple static apps, and bind your stack to their SDKs. Or wasting a developer’s time to do it for you…so imagine this:
Allow non-developers (Product and UX teams) to contribute to web apps without actually coding
Automatically analyze a codebase’s structure and prepare a project-specific version of editable UI
Git-based workflow that treats content as a feature
Edit Visually Using Chrome Extension
Edit your live product, ship faster without coding. Publish changes instantly!
Integration in Minutes
Connect our GitHub application to selected repositories for real-time results. Then invite your team to manage and edit product copy with auto-generated PRs.
Discover how businesses like yours use FlyCode to iterate and release products faster.
We are far from our vision to be a platform for everything front-end but are working hard every day to improve the user experience and feature requests from our early collaborators (editing links, themes, variables, JSON configuration, defining in-code A/B tests, etc.).